Search results 245

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Remove duplicated rows based on 2 columns in a table of any number of columns. ...

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Removes duplicated rows in a table based on 4 duplicated columns. Table can be ...

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Returns location of text inside another with jump ability for any certain ...

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Searches for six values in six columns and return the row number if all found, ...

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CutString96_NumberBefore and After

Cuts the number found before our search word by going back certain number of ...

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Match5_5thNot0 and Match6_6thNot0

Searches for 4 cells in 4 columns then checks for 5th column to not equal zero ...

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Checks string against pattern using RegEx (VBScript.RegExp). The pattern ...

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Searches for two cells in two columns then checks for 3rd column if not equal ...

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Searches for three cells in three columns then checks for 4th column if not ...

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Gets no of columns in an HTML table. It actually gets the maximum number of ...

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Gets the maximum number from an array. Like

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Finds the number of occurrence of a "Numeric" inside a string having a certain ...

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Rounds a number to nearest identifier up. Like 105 up to nearest 20 ...

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Cuts string between two numbers that found inside string. Like extract the ...

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Checks if character is number or no. Returns True or False Number includes the ...

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MouseDown and MouseUp in FM20 controls

Full story of MouseDown and MouseUp in FM20 controls