Search results 45

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Card image cap

Finds the first zip in a folder matching wild cards mask using WScript.Shell ...

Card image cap

Finds the first image in a folder matching wild cards mask using WScript.Shell ...

Card image cap

Removes the WordTemplate [Sign-Head-????] from FromStr and returns whatever ...

Card image cap

Searching for rows having 5 values in 5 columns Like

Card image cap

Search for 2 items in 2 columns starting from last row upword (Starting with ...

Card image cap
MatchIfUp or MatchIfRev

Searching for an item in a column from bottom to top. Will search for item in ...

Card image cap
Triangular coded msg in file

Decodes message from file based on number in each line of text. Attached ...

Card image cap
Bootstrap 5 cards with responsive images

Bootstrap 5 cards with responsive images From

Card image cap
BS5 Cards

2 Cards design in Bootstrap 5 from

Card image cap

Returns credit card type and whether it is valid or not. Found it in my old ...

Card image cap

Luhn function to return true or false if is valid based on Luhn identification ...

Card image cap

Simple cards using Bootstrap 4 (BS4)

Card image cap
Credit Card form

Javascript-based card form with pure CSS/JS and no images From

Card image cap
Android Apps and SD memory

List of apps that can be moved to SD Card in Android OS (Tablet).

Card image cap

A Bootstrap 4 new cards Originally from

Card image cap
FilterSheet_1By1 + FilterSheet_Clear

Sets Autofilter in a sheet, and another function to clear Autofilter ...