
This is the final version of my set of Setting functions
SettingRead, SettingSave, SettingCount, SettingRow, SettingRename, SettingRemove, SettingRead_Desctription, SettingSave_Description, SettingRead_Value2, SettingSave_Value2
Along with the _Custom version of each

These functions are used to manipulate and read/write settings to/from VBA into "Settings" sheet, a way that I have been using for decades now to let me develop customizable and smart applications.

Edit 2025-02-02: Update SettingSave_Custom to unwrap text after saving, since Excel automatically wraps it when text is too long.
Edit 2024-07-18: Adding SettingInsert and SettingInsert_Custom to insert row of setting after certain row

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SettingID, SettingValue, SettingDescription, SettingMask, NewName, NewDescription, NewValue2, WbData, ShData, A1Data, AfterRow

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