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SettingSave + SettingRead for NumberFormat

Reads or applies certain NumberFormat to cell in settings. Same patterns as ...

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SettingRead_Ajax + SettingRead_Ajax_IntoObject

Two functions to return an output of file into object on page or back to caller ...

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Reads certain value for a certain setting from FullJSONString text block. See ...

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File_SettingRead + File_SettingSave

Reads and saves settings to Settings file, used asp here. Similar to

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Read list of items from Settings sheet, then Sort, then save, before reading ...

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Searches for a setting value in set of Settings, in Excel spreadsheet using ...

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CellSave and CellRead

Reads a cell or Saves value into certain cell, in certain sheet and workbook. ...

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Reads setting from config file Config file can be passed as argument ...

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Connects to SQL DB using ADODB, if driver not installed, it will attempt to ...

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Read content of an html online page into setting value in Excel sheet. ...

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Returns a certain field from Settings table by a SettingName. Similar to ...

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To raise a friendly error message with option to show custom error number and ...

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Removes [Enter]s from imported csv file into Excel worksheet. Smart enough to ...

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Reads setting saved in columns J:R Just like SettingRead, but when we have ...

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DB_Setting2Read + DB_Setting2Save

Reads and save setting into settings table per 2 IDs, similar to SettingRead ...

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List of options (Frm87)

Show list of items with their description from "Settings" sheet Have that list ...