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Returns how many numbers found inside a text

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Returns how many decimal places the number have

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Replaces certain occurrence of a string with another inside a string. Like ...

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Counts how many cells with data in a row, starting from certain column until ...

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Counts how many cells matching 2 criterias. Just like

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Finds how many a string found inside larger string. Similar to Frequency but ...

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Latest records date and count

Find how many items in table, with column DateAdded is the latest DateAdded in ...

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Reads file in binary mode as blocks Starts reading from start in sequential ...

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ASP Classic Page Cache

Set page to cache at certain time or force cache refresh. Something I found ...

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Counts how many values are True (or anything) in an array of boolean values ...

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Counts how many items selected in a listbox (multi-selection listbox). Works ...

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Counts how many duplicates found in a range of Excel cells. Basically how many ...

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Old DLL housing list of functions to be used and called by any application, ...

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Function to log the redirects that happen into website It is merely used with ...

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Char(39) in SQL table

One of many ways to go around the issue of char 39 in SQL database

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Rows 2 Cell

Convert items found in a column matching certain material into list in 1 cell ...