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Center Userform

Looks like forcing a Userform to be in center of an application is not as easy ...

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An attempt to read json into table. This one is a work in progress, tested and ...

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Build needed lines to create string variable having block of HTML. Provide the ...

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Modal form open Workbook

Do not open workbook from userform after .show

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Browser window in a userform Just add Frm3 and call Frm3.Frm3_OpenWeb passing ...

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Userform to switch names of two files. Basically renaming two files with each ...

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Progress in two nested loops

Formula to show progress to end user from inside two loops. More like an ...

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A message box with checkbox, 1 command button says ok only. Caller can set ...

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Shows a text in textbox as separate window Caller can modify size of textbox, ...

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fNMRPrgs, Full-form progress bar (frm77)

Show progress bar inside userform, with option to control lots of things. This ...

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Frm81 - FullDetails

Show window of details, can be used to show content for certain cell, or show ...

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Frm6 - ANmaMultiSelect

Give users ability to multi-select from list of items into cells with separator. ...

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Refreshing image

Refreshing image in ImageControl of VBE Userform When we change picture of ...

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Opens an image using Irfanview (i_view32.exe attached which also inscludes a ...

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Unprotect sheet or workbook

Unprotect worksheet (and workbook) using VBA code

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Frm9 - Select workbook (or workbook/worksheet)

Gives your user ability to select a workbook from list of open workbooks within ...