Search results 82

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Returns how many numbers found inside a text

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Counts how many cells with data in a row, starting from certain column until ...

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Counts how many cells matching 2 criterias. Just like

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Search for 2 items in 2 columns starting from last row upword (Starting with ...

Card image cap
UniqueRandomID in SQL

Generate new Random ID, unique not duplicated in two columns in two tables. ...

Card image cap
Grandchildren files and count

Returns list of files in 2 level folders Will not find files as children of ...

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Adds to daily log, two cells, one with date, next with activity that will be ...

Card image cap

Adds date to column1 when user enters text in column2. Also, if user remove ...

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Sending email using Microsoft 365 account. Edit 2024-01-02: Adding ability to ...

Card image cap
Latest records date and count

Find how many items in table, with column DateAdded is the latest DateAdded in ...

Card image cap

Number of Business days between two dates. Note that it doesn't take Christmas, ...

Card image cap

Counts the number of business days Add or subtract a number of business days ...

Card image cap

Return a range of cells in column where ... Return Range Ignore header ...

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End ( xlDown )

A bug found because of using End(xlDown) Please stop using Range("A1"). ...

Card image cap
Excel user name

Get application user name or change it Originally from

Card image cap

Creates list of images to represents a number. Basically multiple < img > tags ...