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img-2 lazy loading

A library to delay load images as needed From

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Easy Select

A drop down menu for Text fields Another one, that needs some work to fulfill ...

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Dropdown text field

Drop down text field, need it in one of my projects. Even though I will need ...

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TeeOpen_ProtectTee + TeeOpen_UnprotectTee

Protect or unprotect a workbook (already open) remotely from another workbook ...

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HTML redirect

Redirect using HTML Sometimes you need to do what you need to do The 0 in ...

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KeyASCII list, I often need that in my projects. List of ASCII codes 1 to 256

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Star system

Star system with Font Awesome A Bootsnipp with ll needed css and js

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Porting Excel/VBA into OpenOffice Calc

PDF document on what needed to import VBA from Excel into OpenOffice Calc Basic

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15 Datestamps

15 pure CSS date stamps to be used or Calendar view of a date, something I ...

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Show/hide ribbon

Show or hide Excel ribbon from inside VBA Needed that in one of my projects

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Detect when user changes a textbox using JQuery Needed to have this documented ...

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Does what Server.URLEncode does In case you needed it, not sure when

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HTML and URL codes

Always find my self needing to know those quickly to continue working, so ...

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Returns the virtual path of the absolute path specified in the required ...

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INITool Object allows an ASP programmer to work with INI files on the server. ...

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Scroll a listbox Using Right-Drag. (Something VBA in Excel lacks) You might ...