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Unmerges all merged cells and duplicate cell contents into them. In another ...

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Frm9 - Select workbook (or workbook/worksheet)

Gives your user ability to select a workbook from list of open workbooks within ...

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Adds a sheet to a workbook, after checking if workbook is open Checks if ...

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Porting Excel/VBA into OpenOffice Calc

PDF document on what needed to import VBA from Excel into OpenOffice Calc Basic

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OpenOffice Macros

A pdf book, for macros in

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Runs a macro from another workbook without parameters (WB Workbook has to be ...

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Gets a sheet name by referencing sheet ID or Sheet No This is more likely to ...

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Delete styles from an Excel workbook, any non-standard style will be deleted. ...

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Applies format into a cell (or range) from another cell. Can apply from any ...

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Deletes a sheet from a workbook, checks it is already there first

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Creates a hyperlink to URL or to cell inside a cell in Excel VBA (or delete it). ...

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Creates new workbook (does not save it) and returns filename.

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Closes a workbook, checks if it is already open first, works for workbooks ...

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Creates a thumb of an image using IrfanView Thumbnail filename will have _th ...

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Asks user to save file (or workbook) using GetSaveAsFilename method. Returns ...

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Asks user to browse to a file and return full path and file name if they do, ...