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Imports rows from multiple sheets of a workbook into final sheet along with ...

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Refresh HTML page + Go Back

HTML Javascripts to refresh page And another line to go back to previous page. ...

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Windows-like drop down menu

Classic-Windows-like dropdown menu using CSS and JS, library in zip is build in ...

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An old DLL library enables reading and writing to floppy disks (and/or images) ...

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Find the user name (and domain) for logged in user for in an internal intranet ...

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Animated form exit

Exit form with shrinking Shrinks the form, Pushes the form to the bottom of ...

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Refreshing image

Refreshing image in ImageControl of VBE Userform When we change picture of ...

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Bootstrap 4 progress bars variables

Enhanced way to use progress bars in Bootstrap 4 Using below variable ...

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Bootstrap 3 DateTime picker

Bootstrap 3 Date/Time Picker v4.17.47 An old, yet good date/time picker From ...

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PHP Thumb is a light-weight image manipulation library aimed at thumbnail ...

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Windows Clock

Restore Windows 10 clock to Windows 7 Analog clocks

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RC4 Encryption

A code inherited from an old application to protect or un-protect text in ...

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Digital Clock

Actually working digital clock JavaScript-based, refreshes every second Found ...

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Global asa

As ASP Classic user, I have to have some post about global.asa Here is one, ...

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DB Class

Database Class in Classic ASP An old article I found that helps a lot these ...

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Cookies Consent

Show cookies message based on new EU regulations with customization. Best one ...