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Card image cap

Create thumbnail on fly using JS From

Card image cap
Rows 2 Cell

Convert items found in a column matching certain material into list in 1 cell ...

Card image cap

Returns extended properties of a database, knowing the ADODB connection

Card image cap

Get the ID of the last inserted record in a table. There are other methods, ...

Card image cap
Translucent card

Translucent card in CSS3 From

Card image cap
img-2 lazy loading

A library to delay load images as needed From

Card image cap

Great horizontal timeline jquery From

Card image cap

Opens an image using Irfanview (i_view32.exe attached which also inscludes a ...

Card image cap
jQuery Minicolors

Color picker, in jQuery From

Card image cap
More Bootstrap wells

Additional Bootstrap well colors, I always find it easier to use Wells (used in ...

Card image cap

Creates Linkedin profile badge for certain user as HTML output as string. ...

Card image cap

Saves a screenshot of the entire screen into a file using IrfanView (i_view32. ...

Card image cap
Virtual Keyboard

On-screen jQuery keyboard From

Card image cap
Bootstrap Colorpicker

Bootstrap color picker From

Card image cap

Converts an image from any image into any image using IrfanView command line ...

Card image cap

A nice and new lightbox, modal, or whatever you call it (version 1.7.13) From ...