A classic ASP include file to read txt file of list into a page using bootstrap grid and fontawesome icons.
Used here in this website, (in Website Devlog and website Todos) it is a nice method to have simple dynamic pages without database.
Edit 2021-11-25: Fixed format and added function as zip instead
Edit 2020-02-03: Enhanced and added ability to show count of lines, and ability to list file in reverse order, bottom line first.
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Linkedin Login< %
WholeLog = ASCII2Read(SiteDevLogFile_URL, 2)
ShowLinesCount = 0
ShowBottomAtTop= 0
% >
< ! -- #Include File = "Part-File2Page.asp" -- >
WholeLog = ASCII2Read(SiteDevLogFile_URL, 2)
ShowLinesCount = 0
ShowBottomAtTop= 0
% >
< ! -- #Include File = "Part-File2Page.asp" -- >
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