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Import all CSVs found in a folder into sheets, sheet per CSV This was a quick ...

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Excel ribbon

Add ribbon menu to certain macro-based workbook to run macro, will only be ...

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Excel crashes when File > Print

During generating Print Preview, Excel crashes. Applies to some files, not all, ...

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Allows users to inserts image into sheet, replacing old one, with ability to ...

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Resize_Me2 + Resize_Me3

Resizes Excel window to certain small size and location (hard-coded) and hide ...

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Imports rows from multiple sheets of a workbook into final sheet along with ...

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VBA vs ASP Classic

Differences between coding in VB in Classic ASP (aka VBScript) and VBA (aka ...

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Excel macro to show all files found in directory (including sub-directories) as ...

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OpenOffice Macros

A pdf book, for macros in

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MinIF and MaxIF in Excel 2010

MinIF to calculate smallest number matching certain criteria, in Excel 2010 ...

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Runs a macro from another workbook without parameters (WB Workbook has to be ...

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Permission Denied error

Issue: Trying to copy file (Using VB command FileCopy) while that file was ...

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Disables or Enables certain Excel built-in shortcut. Code has example on how ...

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Template to be used for any new tools, having... D sheet, WelcomeSheet, code ...

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Read shapes in all worksheets in certain workbook and return list of macros ...

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A User-Friendly way to ask user to enable macros. Showing an only sheet to let ...