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Excel macro to show all files found in directory (including sub-directories) as ...

Card image cap
CSS file icons

Create file icon for any extension using css only, no images

Card image cap
file icons in CSS

Pure CSS file icons, for any extension, no image

Card image cap
Loading circles

CSS loading animations, several ones in 1 zip file

Card image cap

Counts number of image files found in a folder Images defined here are files ...

Card image cap

Gets most recent N files from a given folder. Uses Arrays, and the function ...

Card image cap
Permission Denied error

Issue: Trying to copy file (Using VB command FileCopy) while that file was ...

Card image cap

ASP.Net ShowThumb.aspx file that generates image thumb from an image, official ...

Card image cap
ANmaBrowser v20.19.01

Single file, Classic ASP, Bootstrap 4.1 and FontAwesome 5.0 file manager. ...

Card image cap

Uploading files into server, the simplest way I have here This is the famous ...

Card image cap

Uploading files into server, the simplest way I have here This is the famous ...

Card image cap

Checks if a file is found from a URL, finds a file in a remote server

Card image cap

Finds a file within open documents of current instance

Card image cap

Read settings from Web.config file (or other XML files) Originally from ...

Card image cap

HTML calendar, simple, ready for implementing and customizing

Card image cap

Create zip from list of files listed in List_of_Files separated by comma. The ...