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Delete rows in a different way I used to delete rows by looping through those ...

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Deletes all sheets in a workbook keeping only one

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A very simple to delete a directory and the entire files and folders in its ...

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Checks if a workbook is found in a SharePoint location or not, giving a full ...

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Checks if ID has been reset in SQL database table If yes, it will reset it and ...

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Connects to SQL DB using ADODB, if driver not installed, it will attempt to ...

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Finding the number of a name, used in a numerology program. Finds the number ...

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Test if a character is alphanumeric, regardless of the code page or language ...

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VBA-Excel function to connect to SQL Database server, in addition to ...

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CSS-based animation for textbox caption, along with bootstrap 4. From

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Remove any char (or string) found between two quotes in a string This is an ...

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Switch Virtual Desktops

Ready to use exe application that helps you switching the desktop in Windows 10 ...

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Excel sheet textbox

Found a strange behavior for Excel sheet textboxes. Textbox in Excel sheet, ...

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Show an image using irfanview or Windows 7 image viewer. Looking to add more ...

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Capitalize in JS

Convert text to all capital letters

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404 page

A nice simple 404 page with a game From