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MouseDown and MouseUp in FM20 controls

Full story of MouseDown and MouseUp in FM20 controls

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Replaces certain occurrence of a string with another inside a string. Like ...

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Lazy image loading + placeholder

Setup lazy image loading plus setting placeholder to images. Using

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Creates square thumb for an image, regardless of image aspect ratio It will ...

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Converts two bytes to long

Functions to convert two bytes to a numeric value (long), (both little-endian ...

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Bootstrap 5 cards with responsive images

Bootstrap 5 cards with responsive images From

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LEGO UI Controls

Nice CSS-LEGO-UI Controls Originally from

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Feature-rich Lightbox Gallery BS5

A JavaScript lightbox gallery plugin for showcasing images, videos, Instagram ...

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WordPress - Excel functions (AI)

3 functions to download posts, adds new post and to upload and set featured ...

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Windows Common Controls 6.0

This is the needed library to have Windows Common Controls installed to be used ...

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Img not found - Temp pic

Showing image not found if img src image is missing

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Tabindex in multipage

Tabindex and forcing focus to show in textbox if we have multipage control. ...

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fNMRPrgs, Full-form progress bar (frm77)

Show progress bar inside userform, with option to control lots of things. This ...

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PhotoViewer dll

Open image using legacy PhotoViewer from Windows 7 Command line call to use ...

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Replaces the background fill of any shape in Excel with an image Not Ready yet, ...

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Generates thumbnail of an image and saving it in certain folder. Edit php to ...