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Chooses from 20 options based on the passed ID, can have any of these passed. ...

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Choosing a return value based on an ID. Since we have Choose2, Choose3 and ...

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Returns a value based on an ID. If ID is 1, return 1st value, If ID is 2, ...

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Free online tools -

Bunch of online some text and image tools, helpful for most online users these ...

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Captcha in Arabic, great library, will look forward to apply it in my next ...

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Collect strings matching search from a longer string. I used it to concatenate ...

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Removes last row in a table starting certain cell. Creating and using this ...

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Sort 3 arrays, ascending or descending based on 1st array. Needed for specific ...

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ASP Classic Page Cache

Set page to cache at certain time or force cache refresh. Something I found ...

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Simplest way to rank among peers. used COUNTIFS in case we need to add more ...

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ExitTool and DoNothing

My way of Exiting tool in case or error, also another sub that basically does ...

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VBA-Excel function to connect to SQL Database server, in addition to ...

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Capitalize in JS

Convert text to all capital letters

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Decode and NVL

Two oracle SQL functions, that are interesting. Decode to work as (Select ...

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SQL function to generate random string I thought it would be easier to find ...

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Does what Server.URLEncode does In case you needed it, not sure when