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Adds values of 2 cells into 2 columns (usually below them). I used these small ...

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Install/Uninstall SQLNativeClient DB driver

Install/Uninstall SQL DB driver. SQLNCLI.msi that is needed when you do ...

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Adds to daily log, two cells, one with date, next with activity that will be ...

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Adds date to column1 when user enters text in column2. Also, if user remove ...

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Webfont generater

Online tool. Generate web font to be used in websites. When trying to fix ...

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Timeline css

CSS Timeline, simple, easy, nice piece from bootsnipp From

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Send page to print

JavaSctipt commnad to show Print dialog when a page is visited. I usually put ...

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Calculate the total number of hours between two times and return in format ...

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Finds first occurrence of item in column, then returns value from same row as ...

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SQL Related posts

Steps to create related posts query in SQL. Index, catalog, matching posts for ...

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Returns an array of all table names in a database. needs valid OLE database ...

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Shows a text in textbox as separate window Caller can modify size of textbox, ...

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Logging use of executable in Windows

Log the use of .exe, .lnk, .pif, .bat, and .com files on your computer. All it ...

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setSelectedIndex byname and byval

Set active (Selected) item in listbox using javascript Imported and modified ...

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Toggle navbar with Slide Down Animation

TOggle Navbar to show, login form, another list of links, search bar, or ...

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Finding the number of a name, used in a numerology program. Finds the number ...