Search results 193

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Card image cap

A good dropdown select, with HTML code From

Card image cap
Star rating system

kartik star rating system using Bootstrap and Font-Awesome From

Card image cap

Select2 a single selectbox implementation Using Bootstrap from

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3D box

Pure CSS 3D box From

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CSS3 check boxes

Nice styles for check boxes using CSS3 Set of 9 check boxes From

Card image cap
LEGO cube loader

Pure CSS LEGO loader This looks great for my 7Bricks project From

Card image cap
CSS Hover effect

Pure CSS hover effect From

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Pure CSS tabs

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Multi-level menu

CSS only. Bootstrap multi-level menu Originally from

Card image cap

Pure CSS responsive adaptive height Originally from

Card image cap
Files list to text

One of easy ways to convert list of files in a folder into list (txt files) ...

Card image cap

Material design card Originally from

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Blurred Background

Pure CSS trick to show a blurred background area behind a div Not my work, ...

Card image cap
Bootstrap v4.3.1

Latest so far Please download the latest one for official link

Card image cap
Bootstrap3 modal Contextual colors

Bootstrap3 Contextual colors modal dialog From

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Pure CSS line graph

Simple, with CSS only, an HTML line graph By