Search results 193

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Card image cap
CSS Card effect

CSS Card Hover animated effect From

Card image cap
Bootstrap Media player controls

Controls for a media player using Bootstrap and FontAwesome

Card image cap
MD Shadows

Material Design shadows without components From

Card image cap
Lined Paper in CSS

Lined paper CSS From

Card image cap

CSS only flow chart site map From

Card image cap
CSS hat buttons

Set of controls using CSS hat, nice to have From

Card image cap

Create thumbnail on fly using JS From

Card image cap
Rows 2 Cell

Convert items found in a column matching certain material into list in 1 cell ...

Card image cap

jquery plugin for easy creating loading css3 animations Simple to use. ...

Card image cap
Javascript Analog Clock

AN analog clock in js From

Card image cap
Translucent card

Translucent card in CSS3 From

Card image cap
jQuery Minicolors

Color picker, in jQuery From

Card image cap
More Bootstrap wells

Additional Bootstrap well colors, I always find it easier to use Wells (used in ...

Card image cap
Bootstrap Colorpicker

Bootstrap color picker From

Card image cap

A nice and new lightbox, modal, or whatever you call it (version 1.7.13) From ...

Card image cap
CSS3 Radio Buttons

Nice, multiple, multi-options, CSS3 radio buttons From