Display content of ASP file (any file for that matters) Using ...
Show number of characters in a textarea and limit if it goes greater than ...
Converts all Ƽ found in a string into their actual chars
Generate random GUID of 36 chars (with or without brackets) using TypeLib ...
Delete files in a specified folder which are older than x days This code ...
Returns true if VBA is accessible through code, returns false if not
Checks if one char is within two ASCII codes or not (StringASCIIs) Used to see ...
Moves an item in listbox up or down Needs Lst1 as listbox name Put code ...
Converts TIME code to number HH:MM to xx.xx As in 10:15 to 10.25, 13:30 to 13.5
Downloads a certain page source into a variable, full content in HTML, using ...
Prompt for a password, or username and password, returns information back to ...
Bootstrap modal variable, my constant to use dynamically in code Edit: ...
50 chars max.