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Most recent in Oracle DB

List the most recently added rows based on a date column.

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FilterSheet_1By1 + FilterSheet_Clear

Sets Autofilter in a sheet, and another function to clear Autofilter ...

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Quickly adds value to certain column in Excel sheet As usual, you can define ...

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List all columns in all tables for all schemas in oracle db workbench

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Copy formulas

How to copy formulas in VBA code. Learned that the hard way, just like most of ...

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Country list in arabic

List of countries codes and names in Arabic, you do not know when you need it ...

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Returns the count of array fields, given the dimension, using UBound ...

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Copy row height from row to another Used to fix row heights or merged cells to ...

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Rows 2 Cell

Convert items found in a column matching certain material into list in 1 cell ...

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KeyASCII list, I often need that in my projects. List of ASCII codes 1 to 256

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Export multiple sheets as pages in 1 pdf doc. Passing list of sheets as ...

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Create zip from list of files listed in List_of_Files separated by comma. The ...

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Splits ANStrArray into 2-Dimension array Using custom row and column ...

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Fill in formulas from 1st row, then convert them to flat values to avoid Excel ...

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CellRead (SimpleLookup)

Simply reading a value from a specific cell from a sheet from a workbook ...

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Get total number of rows for a certain worksheet in certain workbook workbook ...