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Bootstrap 3 DateTime picker

Bootstrap 3 Date/Time Picker v4.17.47 An old, yet good date/time picker From ...

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Bootstrap DateTime Picker

Date-Time picker in Bootstrap and Material Design

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Copy row height from row to another Used to fix row heights or merged cells to ...

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Date range picker

Bootstrap date range picker From

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Bootstrap 4 Date picker

Date and Time picker in Bootstrap 4 From

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15 Datestamps

15 pure CSS date stamps to be used or Calendar view of a date, something I ...

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Date Month icon

Calendar icon, or date icon, in pure css, used

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Format a number with total number of digits I used it to format a date as ...

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Calendar view

Another calendar view in Classic ASP, this one highlights today's date

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Generates a random string, returns string passed, then full date, then 8-chars ...

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Applies format into a cell (or range) from another cell. Can apply from any ...

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Gets list of years and total of posts per year from a table, by using date ...

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Trying to create VB6 "Format" function in Classic ASP, works now for date only, ...

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Sort range or area by 5 columns, range can be any number of columns, but the ...

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Gets time and date for a file, Date created, accessed or modified. If the file ...

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Changes date format from US to International or from international to US. ...