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Copies objects from cell into cell Decide Sheet, and workbooks to copy from or ...

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Toggle navbar with Slide Down Animation

TOggle Navbar to show, login form, another list of links, search bar, or ...

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Add ability to switch Bootstrap 4+ theme for your website.. This was a ...

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Creates list of items to be used in ' Where item in (List)' list Mainly adds ...

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Function to log the redirects that happen into website It is merely used with ...

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Simple redirecting function, used to direct users from one domain into another ...

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Creates Linkedin profile badge for certain user as HTML output as string. ...

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Saves a screenshot of the entire screen into a file using IrfanView (i_view32. ...

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ANmaDB functions

Database functions, commonly used in my systems. Should be working for each ...

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Frm9 - Select workbook (or workbook/worksheet)

Gives your user ability to select a workbook from list of open workbooks within ...

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Adds a sheet to a workbook, after checking if workbook is open Checks if ...

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ANma_HTML2DB + ANma_DB2HTML + ...

Convert HTML text into DB-safe string, by converting some characters as below. ...

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Convert numbers into Arabic words, like 230 to مائتان وثلاثون I have multiple ...

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Shortcuts (rundll32.exe)

Shortcuts to do certain commands in Windows (tested in Windows 7) Shutdown, ...

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Protect VBA

Protect VBA project from inside VBA This is the raw way, there has to be other ...