Search results 58

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Card image cap

Cuts right part of a string starting from certain occurrence of a separator ...

Card image cap

Checks if an item was found in list of items and return 1 if yes, 0 if not ...

Card image cap

Perform math on numbers inside list of numbers in format of ANString. ...

Card image cap

Replace strings found in list of strings from inside a string, does that make ...

Card image cap

Converts 1-dimension array into text. Meet Join. A way to convert array into ...

Card image cap

Concatenate all rows found in a range starting A1Cell for Columns_To columns ...

Card image cap

Converts a string of items into range, with custom separator. Opposite of

Card image cap
ANmaBatchCreate + ANmaBatchRun

Creates batch file with certain content, and another function to actually ...

Card image cap

Converts sheet range to ANString, can work on any continued range, 1 or 2 ...

Card image cap

Returns an array of all table names in a database. needs valid OLE database ...

Card image cap

Create list of unique items from a column into another column This is similar ...

Card image cap

Sort list of strings in ascending or descending order using pure VBA, no ...

Card image cap

Creates list of items found in rows, where these rows match a value in another ...

Card image cap

Creates list of unique items found in a column, returns string with items ...

Card image cap

Creates list of items to be used in ' Where item in (List)' list Mainly adds ...

Card image cap
Split string into table

Returns tag words (as table) in Microsoft SQL Separator set to comma, but you ...