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Sidebar navbar

Bootstrap side navbar (sidebar) Can be pushed to left or right From

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Breadcrumbs Navigation

Nice bootstrappy navigation with breadcrumbs From

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Creates Linkedin profile badge for certain user as HTML output as string. ...

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Excel 2010 hyperlink issue fix

An issue I started to see when clicking on a hyperlink in Excel 2010, while I ...

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Bootstrap v4.3.1

Latest so far Please download the latest one for official link

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Simple tabs in bootstrap 4 (with tables)

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Profile card, with social links in bootstrap 3

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Bootstrap 4 cheat sheet

Bootstrap 4 cheat sheet, quick direct link as image

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Convert http found inside text into anchers < a >, aka URLlinker, aka ...

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Tabs in Bootstrap 3, custom design with hover effect, 3 top and 3 bottom

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Service cards

Service cards in Bootstrap3, simple, and customizable. From Bootsnipp

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percircle ProgressCircle

A neat progress circle (progressbar) using CSS and JQuery Used in this ...

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Linkedin profle link

Have custom profile link to your LinkedIn profile If you are in tech for a ...

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CSS Buttons B4BS

This was used widely on my end before we got Bootstrap. Still have potential ...

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Create a URL shortner using Web.Config AKA URL Redirect, or Page refresher, ...