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Sort list of strings in ascending or descending order using pure VBA, no ...

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Reads setting from config file Config file can be passed as argument ...

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Sort items in Fm20 Listbox using Excel spreadsheet Sort function. Can decide ...

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Windows 7 Photo Viewer

Reg file to show Windows Photo Viewer as option to open images with. ...

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SQL Function to remove repeated Enters from a string in SQL Chr(13) + Chr(10)

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Refresh HTML page + Go Back

HTML Javascripts to refresh page And another line to go back to previous page. ...

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RRRow - Datatables ASP mdb Ajax example

ASP based AJAX example to call mdb database using

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Decodes a URL encoded string back into the original text. Similar to ...

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Reads string between open and close HTML tag (between < ... > and < / ... >), ...

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A Bootstrap 4 new cards Originally from

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Carousel 34

A nice carousel in jquery, fontAwesome and bootstrap 4, using owl carousel ...

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2 modules to read output of json API (or file) into parsed array of objects. ...

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Sorting Strings

This is not a function as much as a note. I needed to force a line to show at ...

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Apply validation on two cells, when a 3rd cell is changed When modifying a ...

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Creates list of items found in rows, where these rows match a value in another ...

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Creates list of unique items found in a column, returns string with items ...