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Creates SQL INSERT statements from a table in Excel. Used to be executed to ...

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Exports table into CSV from ASP Classic function.

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Img not found - Temp pic

Showing image not found if img src image is missing

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ASP Classic Page Cache

Set page to cache at certain time or force cache refresh. Something I found ...

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Exports a sheet into CSV file Dynamically finds number of rows/columns and ...

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A button in iframe, to run certain command and return status to end user ...

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Reads page headers into dictionary object. an example of using Dictionary in ...

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Show ActiveUsers in webpage using ASP Classic, this also works as an example of ...

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Detect Browser setting (type or other info) using MSWC.browsertype object. Old ...

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Returns an array of all table names in a database. needs valid OLE database ...

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Create list of unique items from a column into another column This is similar ...

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Shows a text in textbox as separate window Caller can modify size of textbox, ...

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Exports range to an image, something we wanted to be able to do for a while now. ...

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Creates HTML file using template found in a column. Have lines of HTML in a ...

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ShapeName clicked

Simple command to know which object (shape) the user clicked When you assign a ...

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List All the Members of a Group Needs GroupNames text file having list of ...