Search results 61

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Returns information about first file name found after sorting matching files in ...

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Listing the file from a folder that was created during last few hours. Can ...

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Mini Ajax-php upload form

Simple elegant form to upload files with php/ajax. From

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Grandchildren files and count

Returns list of files in 2 level folders Will not find files as children of ...

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Userform to switch names of two files. Basically renaming two files with each ...

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Reads last some characters of a file, needs to see contents of large files that ...

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Asks user to assign a folder, been looking for something like this for awhile ...

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Returns cleaned file name of invalid characters. Needs to be modified if used ...

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Cleans file name from invalid unexpected characters that Windows refuses.

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Wrong file permissions

Fix to unable to delete file from FTP server after uploading using PHP function ...

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Reads file and showing it as Bootstrap row, with ability to replace variables ...

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Reads setting from config file Config file can be passed as argument ...

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Get a sorted list of files in a directory using the File System Object (FSO) ...

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ProtectFile_XorD + UnProtectFile_XorD

Protects and unprotects a file using password Creates another copy of the file ...

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Saves a screenshot of the entire screen into a file using IrfanView (i_view32. ...

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Files list to text

One of easy ways to convert list of files in a folder into list (txt files) ...