Reading price of an item in Amazon.
An AI-generated function with AI-generated image.
Not complete, not tested.
To use Amazon's Product Advertising API, you first need to sign up for it. You can do this by signing into your Amazon Associates account, selecting "Tools" from the navigation bar, and then selecting "Product Advertising API" from the dropdown ². After that, you can join by clicking on "Join" ¹. Once you've signed up, you can go to the "Download credentials" page and copy your Secret key or Access key ¹.
Is there anything else you would like to know?
Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/20/2023(1) How to Gain Access to Amazon’s Product Advertising API. Accessed 3/20/2023.
(2) How to use Amazon API: examples and pricing [2023] - Elfsight. Accessed 3/20/2023.
(3) How to use Amazon API: examples and pricing [2023] - Elfsight. Accessed 3/20/2023.
(4) Introduction · Product Advertising API 5.0 - Accessed 3/20/2023.
(5) Amazon Advertising Advanced Tools Center. Accessed 3/20/2023.
Here is an example VBA code snippet that you can use to retrieve the price of a product from Amazon using their Product Advertising API:
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