Calculate distance between two points (Latitude, Longitude)
LatLon1 and LatLon2 can be either Lat,Lon or Lon,Lat
Possible4 is to make sure that function calculates all those possible scenarios
"Lat1,Lon1" + "Lat2,Lon2"
"Lon1,Lat1" + "Lon2,Lat2"
"Lat1,Lon1" + "Lat2,Lon2"
"Lon1,Lat1" + "Lon2,Lat2"
if you sure it is Lat1,Lon1 and Lat2,Lon2, pass Possible4 as 0 to make function faster
Returns meters between those two points, or
-1 if could not read LatLon
0 if exact same LatLon
10k meters if it is more than 10k
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Linkedin LoginLatLon1, LatLon2, Optional Possible4
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